Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Torch Wreckers: Cadre version

Heroic Torch police outlasted counterrevolutionary Tibetan wreckers and their separatist running dogs . All power to the Soviet! Smash the Dali Lama gang tools!  Who is the victim here.  President Hu cannot sleep.  The opening day is a bore anyway, and now they will televise the empty seats unless will fill them with happy proles.  All bought and paid for soft coal power to the Soviet.

Tibetan separatists try to sabotage Olympic torch relay in U.S. 2008-04-10 05:46:31
SAN FRANCISCO, April 9 (Xinhua) -- Tibetan separatists tried to sabotage the Olympic torch relay in the western coastal city of San Francisco on Wednesday.

The separatists tried to grab the torch, but were pushed back by police escorting the torch relay.

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