Saturday, April 19, 2008

Conversations about the Torch and the cadre in NY and L.A. this Sunday 20 April

This Sunday 20 on WABC is all Pennsylvania primary for the Democrats; however I will speak with John Bolton of the AEI re North Korea's nukes and China, and in the course of our conversation, I will ask about Tibet and East Turkistan and the imperial over-reach of Mao that results today in a China that is not all China. That just the cadre says that all is well.

Also in LA I will speak with Peter Wonacott of the WSJ at Delhi about the protests in Delhi this week against the Torch processor, and about the Indian government's balancing of the Tibet exiles in Dharamsala and its no longer chilly relations with the cadre. Also I will speak to author Misha Glenny on his new book, "McMafia," about transnation organized crime, and will focus in part on the snakeheads of Fujian province, and the migrant labor exploitation by the cadre. The cadre is a gang boss of bosses. The statement is made in Fujian, by master criminals, that the only thing that is to fear is the party and the police.

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